Nigerian Praise


Ina Le wo l’aso
Ogo l’aso ipele
Iji le gun l’esin
Awamaridi o L’Olorun wa

You are clothed with fire
Underneath the fire is Glory
You ride gloriously on praise
Our God is Unsearchable

Below is the literal meaning and further exposition contributed by OLU MADE

Ina le wo l’aso (YOU wear fire as YOUR clothing)
Ogo l’aso ileke (Glory is YOUR clothing of victory)
Igbi l’egun l’esin (YOU ride the waves as your horse)
Awamaridi ELEDUMARE (Awamaridi means The one who no amount of searching can find HIS roots)
(ELEDUMARE is a Yoruba name for the ALMIGHTY which literally means ‘The one who own the sky/heavens’)

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